GUI.SetSizePart of GUI module

Syntax   GUI.SetSize (widgetID, width, height : int)

Description   Changes the size of the widget specified by widgetID. If the widget is visible, its size is changed immediately, otherwise the widget will appear in its new size when the widget is next made visible. Note that the width and height parameters are no necessarily the actual width and height of the widget. For example, the TextField widget ignores the height parameter, calculating the widget's actual height from the height of the text in the TextField.

Example   The following program resizes the button every time the button is pressed.

        import GUI in "%oot/lib/GUI"
        var button : int
        procedure ResizeButton
            var newWidth, newHeight  : int
            newWidth := Rand.Int (0, 200)
            newHeight := Rand.Int (0, 200)
            GUI.SetSize (button, newWidth, newHeight)
        end ResizeButton
        button := GUI.CreateButton (100, 100, 0, "Resize Button", 
            exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
        end loop
Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling GUI.SetSize, not by calling SetSize.