GUI.SelectRadioPart of GUI module

Syntax   GUI.SelectRadio (widgetID : int)

Description   Selects a radio button specified by widgetID. The previously-selected radio button is "de-selected". The action procedure of the radio button is called.

Example   The following program creates siz radio buttons. Selecting one of the buttons cause the bottom two radio buttons to become selected.

        import GUI in "%oot/lib/GUI" 
        View.Set ("graphics:350;110") 
        var radio : array 1 .. 6 of int     % The radio button IDs.
        procedure RadioPressed
            Text.Locate (1, 1)
            for i : 1 .. 6
                if radio (i) = GUI.GetEventWidgetID then
                    put "Radio Button " , i, " Selected"
                end if
            end for
        end RadioPressed
        procedure Select
            GUI.SelectRadio (radio (3))
            GUI.SelectRadio (radio (6))
        end Select
        radio (1) := GUI.CreateRadioButton (15, maxy  35, 
            "Radio Button 1", 0, RadioPressed)
        radio (2) := GUI.CreateRadioButton ( 1, 1, "Radio Button 2", 
            radio (1), RadioPressed)
        radio (3) := GUI.CreateRadioButton ( 1, 1, "Radio Button 3",
            radio (2), RadioPressed)
        radio (4) := GUI.CreateRadioButtonFull (maxx  15, maxy  35,
            "Radio Button 4", 0, RadioPressed, GUI.RIGHT, GUI.NONE)
        radio (5) := GUI.CreateRadioButtonFull ( 1, 1, "Radio Button 5", 
            radio (4), RadioPressed, GUI.RIGHT, GUI.NONE)
        radio (6) := GUI.CreateRadioButtonFull ( 1, 1, "Radio Button 6",
            radio (5), RadioPressed, GUI.RIGHT, GUI.NONE)
        var selectButton : int := GUI.CreateButton (15, 10, 100, 
            "Select Bottom Buttons", Select)
        var quitButton : int := GUI.CreateButton (maxx  15  100, 10, 100,  
            "Quit", GUI.Quit)loop
            exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
        end loop
Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the procedures by calling GUI.SelectRadio, not by calling SelectRadio.

See also   GUI.CreateRadioButton and GUI.CreatePictureRadioButton.