GUI.HideWindowPart of GUI module

Syntax   GUI.HideWindow (window : int)

Description   Hides a window with widgets in it. This procedure makes certain that the GUI Library recognizes that the window no longer visible. This procedure will call Window.Hide, so there is no need for the user to do so.

Example   The program opens up a window with two buttons. If the button labelled "Close and Open" is pressed, the window is closed and a new window with two buttons is opened in a random location on the screen.

        import GUI

        var windowA, windowB : int
        var buttonA, buttonB, buttonQuit : int
	var backToMainA, backToMainB : int

        procedure ShowWindowA
            GUI.HideWindow (defWinID)
            GUI.ShowWindow (windowA)
        end ShowWindowA

        procedure ShowWindowB
            GUI.HideWindow (defWinID)
            GUI.ShowWindow (windowB)
        end ShowWindowB

        procedure ShowMain
            GUI.HideWindow (Window.GetActive)
            GUI.ShowWindow (defWinID)
        end ShowMain

        View.Set ("graphics:280;100,nobuttonbar")
        % Place the buttons in the main window
        buttonA := GUI.CreateButton (10, 10, 0, "Show Window A", ShowWindowA)
        buttonB := GUI.CreateButton (150, 10, 0, "Show Window B", ShowWindowB)
        buttonQuit := GUI.CreateButton (100, 60, 0, "Quit", GUI.Quit)

        windowA := Window.Open  ("title:Window A,graphics:150;100,position:bottom;left")
        backToMainA := GUI.CreateButton (20, 20, 0, "Back to Main", ShowMain)
        Window.Hide (windowA)
        windowB := Window.Open  ("title:Window B,graphics:150;100,position:bottom;right")
        backToMainB := GUI.CreateButton (20, 20, 0, "Back to Main", ShowMain)
        Window.Hide (windowB)

            exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
        end loop


Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling GUI.HideWindow, not by calling HideWindow.

See also   GUI.ShowWindow for showing a window with widgets in it. See also GUI.CloseWindow for closing a window with widgets in it.