GUI.GetHeightPart of GUI module

Syntax   GUI.GetHeight (widgetID : int) : int

Description   Returns the actual height of a widget. Note that this may be different from the height specified in the Create call (especially since many widgets do not specify a height. The GUI module determines the actual height).

This function is used in conjunction with GUI.GetX, GUI.GetY and GUI.GetWidth to determine the bounds of a widget. The entire widget should always fit in the box (GUI.GetX, GUI.GetY) - (GUI.GetX + GUI.GetWidth 1, GUI.GetY + GUI.GetHeight 1)

The position and size of a widget is known only after it has been drawn to the screen. Attempting to get the location or dimesions of the widget may cause an uninitialized variable error.

Example   The following procedure draws a red box around the widget specified by widgetID.

        import GUI in "%oot/lib/GUI"
        procedure BoxWidget (widgetID : int)
            var x, y, width, height : int
            x := GUI.GetX (widgetID)
            y := GUI.GetY (widgetID)
            width := GUI.GetWidth (widgetID)
            height := GUI.GetHeight (widgetID)
            Draw.Box (x  1, x  1, x + width, y + height, red)
            Draw.Box (x  2, x  2, x + width + 1, y + height + 1, red)
        end BoxWidget
        var title : int := GUI.CreateLabel (20, 20, "Frame This!")
        BoxWidget (title)
Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling GUI.GetHeight, not by calling GetHeight.

See also   GUI.GetX, GUI.GetY, and GUI.GetWidth.