File.StatusPart of File module

Syntax   File.Status (pathName : string, var size, attribute, fileTime : int)

Description   File.Status is used to get assorted information about a file or directory. When the function is called with a specified pathName, it returns the information about the file in the other parameters.

The size parameter is the size of the file in bytes.

The attribute parameter has its individual bits set as exactly as the attribute parameter in Dir.GetLong subprogram does. See Dir.GetLong for the list of attribute constants.

The fileTime is the time of last modification of the file. It is returned as the number of seconds since 00:00:00 GMT 1/1/1970. To convert this to a string, use Time.SecDate.

Details   If the File.Status call fails, size, attribute and fileTime are all set to 1. Error.Last will return a non-zero value indicating the reason for the failure. Error.LastMsg will return a string which contains the textual version of the error.

Example   This program prints information about the NotePad.exe application in Windows found at "c:\windows\notepad.exe". (Note on some systems, this will be "c:\winnt\notepade.exe"

        const pathName : string := "c:/windows/notepad.exe"
        var size, attribute, fileTime : int
        File.Status (pathName, size, attribute, fileTime )
        if Error.Last = eNoError then
            put "      Name: ", File.FullPath (pathName)
            put "   Created: ", Time.SecDate (fileTime)
            put "      Size: ", size, " bytes"
            put "Attributes: " ..
            if (attribute and ootAttrDir) not= 0 then
                put "Directory " ..
                put "" ..
            end if
            if (attribute and ootAttrRead) not= 0 then
                put "Readable " ..
                put "" ..
            end if
            if (attribute and ootAttrWrite) not= 0 then
                put "Writable " ..
                put "" ..
            end if
            if (attribute and ootAttrExecute) not= 0 then
                put "Executable", skip
                put skip
            end if
            put "Unable to get file information"
            put "Error: ", Error.LastMsg, skip
        end if


Execute   Another example program is available that uses File.Status to determine the status of several files and directories.

Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling File.Status, not by calling Status.