File.ParentPart of File module

Syntax   File.Parent (pathName : string) : string

Description   File.Parent returns a string representing the parent directory in Turing format (forward slashes) of the path passed as a parameter. The path name passed in does not have to describe an existing file or directory.
Attempting to obtain the parent directory of a root directory (for example "c:/") will return the same root directory and will set the value returned by Error.Last to a non-zero value.
Example   This program obtains a path from the user and then lists all the parent directories until it reaches the root directory.

        var pathName : string
        put "Enter a path: " ..
        get pathName
            pathName := File.Parent (pathName)
            exit when Error.Last not= eNoError
            put pathName
        end loop

Details   Another example is available that checks whether a file and all of the directories in the path to the file exist. This program illustrates the use of File.FullPath, File.Parent, File.Exists, and Dir.Exists.

Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling File.Parent, not by calling Parent.