erealstrreal-to-string function

Syntax   erealstr (r : real,
 width, fractionWidth, exponentWidth : int) :string

Description   The erealstr function is used to convert a real number to a string; for example, erealstr (2.5e1, 10, 3, 2)="b2.500e+01" where b represents a blank. The string (including exponent) is an approximation to r, padded on the left with blanks as necessary to a length of width.

The width must be a non-negative int value. If the width parameter is not large enough to represent the value of r, it is implicitly increased as needed.

The fractionWidth parameter is the non-negative number of fractional digits to be displayed. The displayed value is rounded to the nearest decimal equivalent with this accuracy. In the case of a tie, the value is rounded to the larger of the two values.

The exponentWidth parameter must be non-negative and give the number of exponent digits to be displayed. If exponentWidth is not large enough to represent the exponent, more space is used as needed. The string returned by erealstr is of the form:

        {blank}[-]digit.{digit}e sign digit {digit}
where sign is a plus or minus sign. The leftmost digit is non-zero, unless all the digits are zeros.

The erealstr function approximates the inverse of strreal, although round-off errors keep these from being exact inverses.

See also   frealstr, realstr, strreal, intstr and strint functions.