Concurrency.simutimePart of Concurrency module

Syntax   simutime : int

Description   The simutime function returns the number of simulated time units that have passed since program execution began.

Details   Simulated time only passes when all process are either paused or waiting. This simulates the fact that CPU time is effectively infinitely faster than "pause" time.

Example   This prints out the simulated time passing between two processes. This will print out 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 15, 18, 20, 21, ...

        process p (t : int)
                pause t
                put simutime
            end loop
        end p
        fork p (3)
        fork p (5)

Status   Exported unqualified.

This means that you can call the function by calling simutime or by calling Concurrency.simutime.