PC.ParallelGetPart of PC module

Syntax   PC.ParallelGet (port : int) : nat1

Description   The PC.ParallelGet function is used to read the value of certain pins on a parallel port. The port is specified with the port parameter which can have the value 1, 2 or 3 corresponding to "LPT1", "LPT2" and "LPT3". This procedure can be used to control robots and peripherals.

Example   This program reads and prints the values of the five data pins of the PC's parallel port.

        % Read in the set of pin values from LPT1
        const val : int := PC.ParallelGet (1)   
        put "Pin 10 is: ", (val div 64) mod 2
        put "Pin 11 is: ", (val div 128) mod 2
        put "Pin 12 is: ", (val div 32) mod 2
        put "Pin 13 is: ", (val div 16) mod 2
        put "Pin 15 is: ", (val div 8) mod 2
Details   The five pins that are used for parallel input are pins 10-15. The PC.ParallelGet procedure returns the sum of

 64  Pin 10 high
 128 Pin 11 high
 32  Pin 12 high
 16  Pin 13 high
 8  Pin 15 high

The mod and div operators can be used to determine which pins are high or low.

Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling PC.ParallelGet, not by calling ParallelGet.

See also   PC.ParallelPut procedure for a diagram of the pins. That procedure is used to set the values on the parallel port.