Comments on: Outsourcing Web 2.0 – Computer Science Trend analysis Programming, Education, Computer Science Wed, 30 Sep 2020 08:31:44 -0400 hourly 1 By: Blog » More on the future of Computer Science Careers - outlook still promising Blog » More on the future of Computer Science Careers - outlook still promising Wed, 06 Dec 2006 21:58:05 +0000 [...] While trends do indicate rapid outsourcing of programming positions, the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicated that United States’ companies are creating new domestic IT jobs at a faster rate, as requirement for computer skills increase in new fields such as construction, and healthcare. Some of the emotional challenges people faced during the Industrial Revolution are similar to what we are experiencing today, Vardi said. We are undergoing a period of change, and it is best to accept it, he said. “Offshoring is like the winter. You don’t ask if it is good or bad—you ask what do you do about it. The answer is you dress warmly.” [...] [...] While trends do indicate rapid outsourcing of programming positions, the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicated that United States’ companies are creating new domestic IT jobs at a faster rate, as requirement for computer skills increase in new fields such as construction, and healthcare. Some of the emotional challenges people faced during the Industrial Revolution are similar to what we are experiencing today, Vardi said. We are undergoing a period of change, and it is best to accept it, he said. “Offshoring is like the winter. You don’t ask if it is good or bad—you ask what do you do about it. The answer is you dress warmly.” [...]
