Comments on: it’s a Student Life Programming, Education, Computer Science Wed, 30 Sep 2020 08:31:44 -0400 hourly 1 By: DesignPinas DesignPinas Thu, 11 Oct 2007 06:06:20 +0000 I find it amazing that in Canada there seems to be an online community that grows for computer science. Here in the Philippines, there are a lot of computer science students but there are but a few who make the cut. I find it amazing that in Canada there seems to be an online community that grows for computer science. Here in the Philippines, there are a lot of computer science students but there are but a few who make the cut.

By: Tony Tony Tue, 09 Oct 2007 21:21:10 +0000 No money in the field? You have got to be kidding me! When the economy allows a couple of buddies to start a website from their garage, and have it valued at over $1 billion (YouTube, Facebook, etc) with 3 years - how is it that the industry lacks money? Although there might be some truth to it all. You're not going to make millions, writing Java from a cubicle. Actually such a job will get outsourced. And it doesn't really require a CS degree. No money in the field? You have got to be kidding me! When the economy allows a couple of buddies to start a website from their garage, and have it valued at over $1 billion (YouTube, Facebook, etc) with 3 years – how is it that the industry lacks money?

Although there might be some truth to it all. You’re not going to make millions, writing Java from a cubicle. Actually such a job will get outsourced. And it doesn’t really require a CS degree.

By: Adam McKerlie Adam McKerlie Mon, 08 Oct 2007 23:48:31 +0000 If you're in it for the money get out. There are much easier money making professions out there. Go into CS if you like solving problems, working with computers, etc... The money is certainly decent but you can find better alternatives. I think it's sad that counsellors are shooing kids away from CS because it's awesome. Just because companies are outsourcing and a lot of people are already in the CS field doesn't mean that you shouldn't join. Just be a better programmer than anyone else and you'll get hired, simple as that. If you’re in it for the money get out. There are much easier money making professions out there. Go into CS if you like solving problems, working with computers, etc…

The money is certainly decent but you can find better alternatives. I think it’s sad that counsellors are shooing kids away from CS because it’s awesome. Just because companies are outsourcing and a lot of people are already in the CS field doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t join. Just be a better programmer than anyone else and you’ll get hired, simple as that.

By: wtd wtd Sun, 07 Oct 2007 20:08:26 +0000 The question is not whether enrollment is down, but rather... are graduating classes seeing fewer CS majors? My experience has been that a huge number of students enroll as CS majors thinking it'll be easy money, and that most of them don't survive their first year as CS majors. The question is not whether enrollment is down, but rather… are graduating classes seeing fewer CS majors?

My experience has been that a huge number of students enroll as CS majors thinking it’ll be easy money, and that most of them don’t survive their first year as CS majors.

By: Jerad Kaliher Jerad Kaliher Sun, 07 Oct 2007 08:48:00 +0000 Sure outsourcing is discouraging students from taking up CS, but as long as there is a drive and curiosity to create apps there will always be a good pool of candidates to draw from. Sure outsourcing is discouraging students from taking up CS, but as long as there is a drive and curiosity to create apps there will always be a good pool of candidates to draw from.

By: Bobrobyn Bobrobyn Fri, 05 Oct 2007 06:15:25 +0000 I'd say it's people pushing students away. Counsellers in high schools, from what I've heard, are actually pushing students away from CS, telling them there's no money in it. Students being afraid of outsourcing can't help the matters, either. I’d say it’s people pushing students away. Counsellers in high schools, from what I’ve heard, are actually pushing students away from CS, telling them there’s no money in it. Students being afraid of outsourcing can’t help the matters, either.

By: MacBook MacBook Thu, 04 Oct 2007 19:13:29 +0000 Unfortunately, the number of students pursuing a CS major in the North America has been repeatedly falling over the last several years. The industry is growing but the student base is getting smaller. My guess is that one of the problems stems from a poor curriculum. One of the colleges I attended spent 3 semesters teaching processor architecture - interesting topic but mostly irrelevant since most of the students in CS are not going to become architecture developers but programmers. Unfortunately, the number of students pursuing a CS major in the North America has been repeatedly falling over the last several years. The industry is growing but the student base is getting smaller. My guess is that one of the problems stems from a poor curriculum. One of the colleges I attended spent 3 semesters teaching processor architecture – interesting topic but mostly irrelevant since most of the students in CS are not going to become architecture developers but programmers.
