Comments on: Increasing interest in Computer Science: Programming is about manipulating data Programming, Education, Computer Science Wed, 30 Sep 2020 08:31:44 -0400 hourly 1 By: protospike protospike Thu, 14 Aug 2008 06:30:54 +0000 CS (computer science) - The study of algorithms SE (software engineering) - The process of building software CSSE - Both Do highly recommend doing a CSSE course ;-) CS (computer science) – The study of algorithms
SE (software engineering) – The process of building software
CSSE – Both

Do highly recommend doing a CSSE course ;-)

By: Tony Tony Sat, 14 Jun 2008 21:27:33 +0000 To reverse Engineer technology, one <em>has</em> to be a hacker. Well, in the classical sense of the word. To reverse Engineer technology, one has to be a hacker. Well, in the classical sense of the word.

By: V V Sat, 14 Jun 2008 12:29:59 +0000 Computer Science is so much interesting, I still don't know why many people think its confusing and difficult. I remember some 2-3 years back, I used to think "Being a hacker is so cool", but now I contradict it. When you can do reverse engineering why be a hacker instead apply the same in a proper manner and you are filled with great programs in your stash. But now as Computer Science is penetrating, hope to see much more advances in near future. Computer Science is so much interesting, I still don’t know why many people think its confusing and difficult. I remember some 2-3 years back, I used to think “Being a hacker is so cool”, but now I contradict it. When you can do reverse engineering why be a hacker instead apply the same in a proper manner and you are filled with great programs in your stash.

But now as Computer Science is penetrating, hope to see much more advances in near future.

By: PHP Programmer PHP Programmer Mon, 05 May 2008 03:47:01 +0000 I also used to write programs on a scientific calculator. My HP-28s was pivotal to my development as a programmer. In order to "teach the machine" how to solve problems, I also had to understand the problem completely. I never understood the lack of vision by educators that barred technology from the classroom as an "innovative way to cheat." In many programs now, technology as almost fully eclipsed classical methods of instruction, which I don't believe is good either. I think that the classical methods and technological aspects pertaining to comp-science should exist together. I also used to write programs on a scientific calculator. My HP-28s was pivotal to my development as a programmer. In order to “teach the machine” how to solve problems, I also had to understand the problem completely. I never understood the lack of vision by educators that barred technology from the classroom as an “innovative way to cheat.” In many programs now, technology as almost fully eclipsed classical methods of instruction, which I don’t believe is good either. I think that the classical methods and technological aspects pertaining to comp-science should exist together.

By: Mahesh Mahesh Tue, 22 Apr 2008 16:33:17 +0000 Excellent thoughts Tony... There is much you can write on data visualisation, i recommend you can take a look at smahisng magazines recommended data visualization tools.. Computer science is getting more into educational systems in most part of the world...I knw i've passed my engg last year and studied most of core concepts in engg... But i can see there are plenty of schools in most part of the world are introducing Edubuntu linux and internet surfing sessions in their courses... Not to mention i've seen most asian engg. colleges are introducing Programming as optional subject in 12 th class which is imp. class if you're willing to persue higher edu in future... So all and science is penetrating in our lives...and you can see 2020 as in SCI-FI films :) Excellent thoughts Tony…
There is much you can write on data visualisation, i recommend you can take a look at smahisng magazines recommended data visualization tools..

Computer science is getting more into educational systems in most part of the world…I knw i’ve passed my engg last year and studied most of core concepts in engg…
But i can see there are plenty of schools in most part of the world are introducing Edubuntu linux and internet surfing sessions in their courses…
Not to mention i’ve seen most asian engg. colleges are introducing Programming as optional subject in 12 th class which is imp. class if you’re willing to persue higher edu in future…
So all and science is penetrating in our lives…and you can see 2020 as in SCI-FI films :)

By: Davor Bomestar Davor Bomestar Sat, 19 Apr 2008 01:26:33 +0000 Internet is a dangerous toy :P I decided to drop of collage and decided to be a web designer. In forth year collage we wouldn't study what I have learned in first two moths. Internet is a dangerous toy :P I decided to drop of collage and decided to be a web designer. In forth year collage we wouldn’t study what I have learned in first two moths.

By: Prabhakar Ragde Prabhakar Ragde Wed, 16 Apr 2008 22:18:18 +0000 One problem with scraping data off the Web is that more time is spent in parsing than in actually processing. I found that even getting students to parse CSV format proved to be too much. One interesting possibility is to provide software that does the scraping and parsing, leaving students to work out what to do with the data. An example from the TeachScheme people: This has to be done carefully so that the library doesn't do too little or too much. Also students have to be aware that what they're doing is only a part of the puzzle. One problem with scraping data off the Web is that more time is spent in parsing than in actually processing. I found that even getting students to parse CSV format proved to be too much. One interesting possibility is to provide software that does the scraping and parsing, leaving students to work out what to do with the data. An example from the TeachScheme people:

This has to be done carefully so that the library doesn’t do too little or too much. Also students have to be aware that what they’re doing is only a part of the puzzle.

By: Barry Wheeler Barry Wheeler Wed, 16 Apr 2008 17:21:57 +0000 Computer science is mandatory as a course here in my part of the world. However, what they cover is nothing like the students see if they choose this as a career field. My son was doing this "technology" course as they call it and all they did was give them worksheets, and had them working on step-by-step projects. It was a task in clicking and typing, not anything to get worked up over. My experience from the late 70s and early 80s saw me in school having to buy a kit, build the computer and then learn how to program in assembler to get the thing to do anything that was meaninful. Oh how the days have changed. Computer science is mandatory as a course here in my part of the world. However, what they cover is nothing like the students see if they choose this as a career field.

My son was doing this “technology” course as they call it and all they did was give them worksheets, and had them working on step-by-step projects. It was a task in clicking and typing, not anything to get worked up over.

My experience from the late 70s and early 80s saw me in school having to buy a kit, build the computer and then learn how to program in assembler to get the thing to do anything that was meaninful. Oh how the days have changed.

By: pparris pparris Tue, 15 Apr 2008 18:42:57 +0000 I think computer science should be manditory in high school. Back when I was in school I programmed the ti calculators to solve math problems. To write these programs I had to fully understand the problem which enabled me to excel way past my school mates, not because I was "cheating", it was because I fully understood the problems and how to solve them. I think computer science should be manditory in high school. Back when I was in school I programmed the ti calculators to solve math problems. To write these programs I had to fully understand the problem which enabled me to excel way past my school mates, not because I was “cheating”, it was because I fully understood the problems and how to solve them.
