Comments on: Computer unplugged. Lived a day offline. Programming, Education, Computer Science Wed, 30 Sep 2020 08:31:44 -0400 hourly 1 By: michaelp michaelp Tue, 08 Jan 2008 21:13:04 +0000 This is a great article... I have never tried to go a day without the computer. (On purpose anyways). I have done that, but it was when I was busy and had no time to go on. It would be hard on a day where I am being really lazy and have nothing to do. Although once, I was pretty much addicted to Warcraft 3, and my brother said I couldn't go a week without it. I did manage. Definitely had to find a couple other things to do though. I may try now to go for a day on a week end day, to see if I can survive. This is a great article… I have never tried to go a day without the computer. (On purpose anyways). I have done that, but it was when I was busy and had no time to go on. It would be hard on a day where I am being really lazy and have nothing to do. Although once, I was pretty much addicted to Warcraft 3, and my brother said I couldn’t go a week without it. I did manage. Definitely had to find a couple other things to do though. I may try now to go for a day on a week end day, to see if I can survive.

By: Mert Mert Fri, 21 Sep 2007 07:26:16 +0000 I don't think one day unplugged can be considered as enough. I think you should consider your addiction once more, but still if you can do all those things in one day, you should try for one week only with checking your e-mails (you don't need computer for that) and see how helpful it will be for you. I think I am having the same issues these days and this is the only solution I can offer to myself I guess. I will go outside do sports, go to some museums, exhibitions, try doing something different. I don’t think one day unplugged can be considered as enough. I think you should consider your addiction once more, but still if you can do all those things in one day, you should try for one week only with checking your e-mails (you don’t need computer for that) and see how helpful it will be for you. I think I am having the same issues these days and this is the only solution I can offer to myself I guess. I will go outside do sports, go to some museums, exhibitions, try doing something different.

By: Tony Tony Fri, 13 Apr 2007 18:17:33 +0000 A week might require some extra planning. I've actually gone a week, without noticing a complete lack of computers, when I went to Cuba on a vacation. Who needs computers when you've got an open bar ;) Though yeah, you should still try to unplug yourself for a day, it's an interesting experience. A week might require some extra planning. I’ve actually gone a week, without noticing a complete lack of computers, when I went to Cuba on a vacation. Who needs computers when you’ve got an open bar ;)

Though yeah, you should still try to unplug yourself for a day, it’s an interesting experience.

By: Bobrobyn Bobrobyn Fri, 13 Apr 2007 17:32:54 +0000 I know this reply is a little late, but: that's a neat idea. I should try it sometime, when exams are over and I'm back at home. Here's an even grander idea: Who can go a week without touching a computer? :P I know this reply is a little late, but: that’s a neat idea. I should try it sometime, when exams are over and I’m back at home.

Here’s an even grander idea: Who can go a week without touching a computer? :P

By: Avinash Avinash Mon, 02 Apr 2007 19:03:33 +0000 Well, I don't feel anything like that but yeah, it's certain that I can't stay without computers for longer than 48hrs. Then I surely start to feel like I've lost something pretty important! Well, I don’t feel anything like that but yeah, it’s certain that I can’t stay without computers for longer than 48hrs. Then I surely start to feel like I’ve lost something pretty important!

By: Tony Tony Mon, 02 Apr 2007 19:00:06 +0000 My desktop is a Mac, it's almost pretty enough to be my other half. Alright, maybe a quarter. It misses me greatly when I'm away, and excitedly greeds me with an absurd number of RSS items when I return. Yeah, I'm not addicted to my computer, it's the other way around :P My desktop is a Mac, it’s almost pretty enough to be my other half. Alright, maybe a quarter. It misses me greatly when I’m away, and excitedly greeds me with an absurd number of RSS items when I return. Yeah, I’m not addicted to my computer, it’s the other way around :P

By: Bashar Bashar Mon, 02 Apr 2007 18:50:46 +0000 Avinash: I am only stating ideal case which I do sometimes, but when I go to bed I feel like my other half is still missing :) Avinash: I am only stating ideal case which I do sometimes, but when I go to bed I feel like my other half is still missing :)

By: Avinash Avinash Mon, 02 Apr 2007 17:28:12 +0000 Wish I could easily do that! Computers are addictive, at least for me! They spoiled my routines. Wish I could easily do that! Computers are addictive, at least for me! They spoiled my routines.

By: Bashar Bashar Mon, 02 Apr 2007 17:19:14 +0000 Read a book. Go out with family. Watch a movie, or hang out with old friend. I wish I could also give my self time for regular sport. Read a book. Go out with family. Watch a movie, or hang out with old friend.
I wish I could also give my self time for regular sport.

By: Avinash Avinash Tue, 27 Mar 2007 02:03:16 +0000 Isaac Asimov’s Robot series books. WOW! For your last question, I love reading books if I've some spare time. I use each and every minute pretty carefully. I'm not addicted to TV or Radio. Since my music system is on almost 23hrs/day, I don't care about other entertainment stuffs. If I'm not using computers, I'm surely in my private library reading books. - Avi Isaac Asimov’s Robot series books. WOW!

For your last question, I love reading books if I’ve some spare time. I use each and every minute pretty carefully. I’m not addicted to TV or Radio. Since my music system is on almost 23hrs/day, I don’t care about other entertainment stuffs.

If I’m not using computers, I’m surely in my private library reading books.

- Avi
